Speaking History
ALCF Women’s Conference, http://lnkd.in/bzVba3W 10/5/13
Finding Work that Fits Even When Your Marriage Doesn’t – Deborah’s Palm – 10/26/13
How Toastmasters Can Help You Land a Job, CSIX, 11/14/13 – 10am – 11am
How’s Your Energy 12/7/13 Career Action Ministry 9:30am-11:30am
A Fresh Start, ALCF Women of Worth, 1/4/14 10am – noon
Create Your Own Job, CSIX, 1/9/14
How’s Your Energy? Phase2Career 1/27/14 9am
How’s Your Energy? ProMatch, 2/6/14 10:45am
Finding Work that Fits At Any Age, 9:30am Career Action Ministry, 2/15/14
Finding Work that Fits At Any Age, CSix, 3/6/14, 10am-11am
Making a Difference in the Marketplace, 3/21/14, http://mppc.org/launch
Create Your Own Job, Phase2Career, 5/19/14, 9-10:30am, Hobees, 1101 Shoreway Road, Belmont http://www.phase2careers.org/index.html
Finding Work that Fits–At Any Age, Christ the King Church, Pleasant Hill, CA, September 4, 6:30pm-8:30pm https://sites.google.com/site/ctkjobnetwork/home
How’s Your Energy? (Managing the Scarcest Resource in Your Job Search) CSix, October 9, 10am, 20390 Park Place, Saratoga http://www.csix.org/
Finding Work that Fits, Return to Work Conference 10/22/14 http://connectworkthrive.com/registration/october-22nd-2014-agenda/
Finding Work that Fits, ProMatch 10/23/14 10:45am
Create Your Own Job (at Any Age) 11/15/14 9:30am, Career Actions Ministry
How’s Your Energy? (Managing the Scarcest Resource in Your Job Search), Job Connections Network, CPC, Danville CA 1/10/15 9am
Create Your Own Job (or Re-shape the One You’re In) Phase2Career, Redwood City Public Library, 1/13/14 10am
Finding Work that Fits register at ConnectWorkThrive 9:30am-5pm February 4 at the Community Foundation of Silicon Valley in Mountain View
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers, Career Action Ministry, 3/7/15, 9:30-11:30am
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers, ProMatch 10:30am, Thursday, April 9
Finding Work that Fits Evergreen branch, San Jose Library, Saturday, April 11, 10am-noon
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers, Thursday, May 14, CSIX, Saratoga
Her Story: Celebrating Each Woman’s Journey, Sunday, May 17. 6:30-10pm
Creating Your Own Job (At Any Age) CSix, May 28, 10am-1pm
NewCo Silicon Valley, representing Deborah’s Palm, June 9
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers, Startup-Pairup Meetup, July 14, noon
JFSSV Volunteer Appreciation Event, August 12, 7pm
ProMatch, “Finding Work that Fits” 1/21/16 11am
CSix, “Finding Work that Fits” 2/18/16 10am-1pm
Career Action Ministry, March 6, 9:30am “Creating Your Own Job (At Any Age)“.
Loving Yourself with the Five Love Languages, Mothers Together, Menlo.Church/Mountain View 9am 4/14/16,1667 Miramonte Ave, Mountain View
Finding Work that Fits, Experience Unlimited Walnut Creek, 11am, 6/14/16
7 Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers, Job Connections, CPC Danville, 9am, 7/23/16
Career Action Ministry “Giving and Receiving Feedback: Powerful Tools for Landing a Job, Growing a Career, and Living a Life” 9/17/16
Phase2Career “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers” 10am 11/29/16 Sobroto Center
CSIX “Fearless Interview Preparation” 2/9/2017
Promatch, “Fearless Interview Preparation” 2/23/2017
CASPA Job Fair 5/13/17 2:30pm Milpitas Crowne Plaza “7 Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers”
Career Actions Ministry 5/20/17 9:30am Mountain View “Powerful Interview Preparation for Fearless Interviewing”
Phase2Career Job Search Resources Fair June 30 at the Sobrato Center in Redwood Shores, speaking on “How’s Your Energy?”
CSix, Saratoga, 10am August 3, speaking on “Building Resilience”
Phase2Career Career Fair 9/27/17 “Strengthening Resilience at Every Age”
“Building Resilience at Every Age” Career Actions Ministry 9:30am 10/7/2017
“How’s Your Energy?” at ProMatch 11am 12/14/17
“Powerful Preparation for Fearless Interviews” CSIX 1/11/2018 10am
“Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers” Experience Unlimited, 11am Walnut Creek 1/16/2018
“Encore Careers: Finding Work that Matters in Your Second Half of Life” CAM 9:30am 4/7/18
“Powerful Preparation for a Fearless Interview” CASPA Job Fair 5/5/18
“How’s Your Energy?” CAM 9:30am 5/5/18
“Encore Careers: Finding Work that Matters in Your Second Half of Life” at Phase2Careers May 31 9:30am https://www.phase2careers.org/
“Powerful Preparation for a Fearless Interview” Women in CleanTech and Sustainability, June 12, 2018 5:30pm
Coaching at Phase2Careers Job Fair 10am-1:30pm
ProMatch, July 12 “Encore Careers: Finding Work that Matters in Your Second Half of Life”
“Encore Careers: Finding Work that Matters in Your Second Half of Life” at Experience Unlimited in Walnut Creek, July 17
CSIX, 10am 8/16/18 “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers” Project Hired, 10/18/18, “Finding Work that Fits” 1pm
Wharton Quakemasters, 10/22/18, “How Toastmasters Can Help You Land Your Next Job” 7pm
Experience Unlimited, Walnut Creek, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers” 4/9/19
“Powerful Preparation for a Fearless Interview” CAM 5/11/19 9:30am
Phase2Career Career Coaching Forum 5/23/19 9am-noon
“Create Your Own Job” CSIX 6/13/19 10am
CDSS, 7/11/19 “Building Safe Dance Communities” CSIX Peninsula, 6pm 8/6/19 Central Park San Mateo “Finding Work that Fits”
ProMatch, 8/15/19, “Giving and Receiving Feedback”
“How Toastmasters Can Help You Land Your Next Job” Toastmasters Evelyn, 301 E Evelyn Ave Mountain View, CA, 9/26/19 1pm
Women’s Retreat for St. Timothy’s Episcopalian Church, February 28-March 1, 2020 http://www.sttims.org/events/womens-retreat/
CSIX “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Job-Seekers” March 19, 2020 https://csix.org/event/marcia-davis-cannon-seven-habits-of-highly-effective-job-seekers-2/
Phase2Career “Strengthening Resilience at Every Age” 10am April 2 https://www.phase2careers.org/upcoming-events
Toastmasters Division G Tall Tales Contest 4/20/20 6pm https://d101tm.wufoo.com/forms/q1c8i8840y1np9p/
EUCCC (Experience Unlimited, East Bay) “Building Resilience” 5/5/20 9:30am-11am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89350739573
Wharton Quakemasters Tenth Anniversary Celebration “Powerful Preparation for an Impressive Video Presence” 5/11/20 7pm Zoom link at https://quakemasters.toastmastersclubs.org/
Toastmasters District 101 Conference, Tall Tales Contest 5/30/20 10:30am https://d101tm.wufoo.com/forms/q1c8i8840y1np9p/
CSix “Powerful Preparation for an Impressive Video Interview” 6/4/20 10:45am
Stanford School of Medicine “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Professionals” 6/12/20, noon
ProMatch “Powerful Preparation for an Impressive Video Presence” 6/25/20 10:15am
CAM “Flexible Thinking in a Challenging Job Market”7/23/20 9:30am https://www.eventbrite.com/manage/events/113940448950/details
“Crafting Your Personal Stories” (with Dennis Dawson) 8/28/20 7:45pm https://umd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwofuqprzMuH93vqgs56bBGNYZpAH-RMe8U.
Phase2Career “Flexible Thinking in a Challenging Job Market” 1pm 9/3/20
CAM “Strengthening Resilience” 11/14/20 9:30am
Menlo.Church Mothers Together “Strengthening Resilience” 10/29 to 11/19/20
“Strengthening Resilience” CAM 11/14/20 9:30am https://www.eventbrite.com/manage/events/128342659349/details
“Here, Chew on This: How to Hold Your Audience’s Attention” with The Workshop 1/5/2021 6:30p https://www.eventbrite.com/e/here-chew-on-this-how-to-hold-your-audiences-attention-tickets-134612027197
CSIX “Flexible Thinking in a Challenging Job Market” 1pm 2/4/21 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/marcia-davis-cannon-flexible-thinking-in-a-challenging-job-market-tickets-133275192689?aff=
“Feedback Changes Lives” with The Workshop, 6:30pm, March 9 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/feedback-changes-lives-tickets-142570276535″Giving and Receiving Feedback” noon, April 2, 2021, Stanford School of Medicine
Funny is the Honey that Makes your Message stick. The Workshop 4/13/21
6-week Fall Lab: Strengthening Resilience, Sundays at noon 9/19-10/24/21, 774 Cuesta Dr, Mountain View, CA